5 essential conditions for safe online shopping

October 21 2022

5 essential conditions for safe online shopping

Everyone nowadays has to know the rules of safe online shopping. Even if you’ve been shopping online occasionally so far, it’s worth learning how to ensure peace and satisfaction while doing so. Perhaps your knowledge will be useful to someone around you? Read more and find out for yourself!

Do you work at a computer? Here are five eye-care tips for you!

September 23 2022

Do you work at a computer? Here are five eye-care tips for you!

Are you aware how important it is to protect your eyes when working at a computer? Neglecting this may lead not only to visual acuity loss, but also to the so-called dry eye syndrome, as well as pain and burning sensation. When working at a computer, you are constantly focused on the display and you blink significantly less than needed, which is a straight way to problems. […]

5 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Stress

September 9 2022

5 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Stress

You know those symptoms all too well – rapid breathing, tense muscles and the overwhelming feeling you are going to blow up any second? Just like your cavemen ancestors, with adrenaline, cortisol and thyroxine you feel an increase in physical performance and your senses become sharper? The problem is, this is completely unnecessary: this is just a quarterly […]

Ten Quotes that Will Restore Your Fresh View of the World 

August 12 2022

Ten Quotes that Will Restore Your Fresh View of the World 

Do you ever wonder whether you are burnt out professionally or you are just having a bad hair day on every weekday but Friday? Perhaps you just need a fresh view of the world and maybe you can find at least one inspirational quote below to help you with that. Try it. 

Five Uses of Social Media in Everyday Work

August 5 2022

Five Uses of Social Media in Everyday Work

Social media have long become more than just a form of entertainment. They are widely known as an effective marketing communication channel and useful tools for data gathering. Still nearly 30% of employers in Poland do not allow using them at work. Apparently they don’t know yet how effective social media can be in strictly business applications.

Healthy Diet for Your Brain. What should you eat to make your intellectual work more efficient

July 29 2022

Healthy Diet for Your Brain. What should you eat to make your intellectual work more efficient

Do you do intellectual work? Forget fast-food and make sure you take good care of the right “fuel” for your brain. Eat wholesome proteins and carbohydrates, drink lots of water and watch how much sweets you consume. Your personal “CPU” will work much more efficiently, and you’ll be in a better mood as well. 

5 inspiring YouTube channels

July 15 2022

5 inspiring YouTube channels

YouTube left all other Internet platforms behind in terms of user time statistics a long time ago. This is the place to go to for learning, entertainment and tips on how to connect your printer. It’s also the place to find creators who inspire and support your personal development. Read on to see which ones we recommend and why!

How can you defend yourself against trolls and hate?

July 8 2022

How can you defend yourself against trolls and hate?

How can you defend yourself against trolls? How can you respond to negative opinions on the web? What should you do when somebody slanders your company on the Internet? There is no universal answer nor solution. However, there are a few proven rules to follow that you can read about below. 

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