How to survive Mondays?

February 4 2022

How to survive Mondays?

Horror at the thought of the coming Monday sometimes hits us as early as Sunday. Getting up early, first day at work, coming back to your duties… No wonder very few people consider this their favorite day. The truth is, however, we have to face it every week. So how to survive Mondays? 

Your morning will determine the rest of your day…

But what if we went a step further and whip ourselves into a good mood for Monday already on Sunday evening? This can improve our chances for a good Monday morning! 

  • Go to bed early! So simple, yet so hard! An individual after a good night’s sleep functions better, while lack of energy surely does not facilitate work. 
  • Plan your day or even your entire week. We are often preoccupied, as we constantly need to remember things. Sending an email, a dentist appointment or dinner with friends will stress us less if we write it down in a calendar. Plan and be at ease. 
  • Get some real rest. What does it really mean? Yoga and a walk? Or maybe pizza and your favorite TV series? Choose what you need the most at the moment. What’s important? To rest without stress and not to worry about things you’ll have to do on the next day. Pure regeneration at its finest! 

And if we already mentioned the morning…

Take your time to plan that too. “Morning routine” searches from YouTube will probably get you nothing but depressed, as we will probably never be as productive. Definitely not every day, but… the best part of a “routine” is that it can be adjusted to suit you! Check out the following examples. Maybe they’ll inspire you to do something pleasant? 

  • Hot coffee in bed. Let’s start with something very pleasant and relatively easy to get. Instead of drinking coffee in a rush over the kitchen sink, enjoy it in bed, while listening to your favorite podcast. Can it get any better than this? 
  • Work out. Let’s not overdo it by running every morning or doing an hour of cardio, but yoga for example sounds pretty nice. Even five to ten minutes will let you take a deep breath and loosen your back, which in turn will ease the pain of sitting in front of the computer all day. Pro tip – if you really don’t feel like doing exercise, find a kind of yoga you can do… in bed. 
  • Meditation and quieting down. If we start our day calm, there’s a good chance we will finish it in the same fashion. To find your balance and quiet down your thoughts, you need just ten minutes of meditation or writing your diary. Describe your dreams, emotions, plans for the coming week and what you are looking forward to. Start the day the way you like it! 

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Little pleasures

It s good to take care of yourself everyday, but let’s face it, on Mondays you can really pamper yourself. Have a delicious meal (we suggest something sweet), postpone your chores (ordering take out is an excellent choice and dusty floors have never killed anybody…), plan leisure after work (favorite hobby or maybe dancing spontaneously to the music you love?). 

There is no end to your options. It all those little pleasures that let you enjoy the weekend a little longer and feel that there are more good things to come sooner than in five long days. 

It’s all in the attitude 

Perhaps the word “survive” doesn’t have to apply here? It will be so much more pleasant to “experience” the Monday of our dreams. 

See also: How to creatively use time when commuting?

It is good to remember that no matter if your job is your passion, which gives you fulfillment, or you are just in it for the money, it is still just eight hour of your day. Given the fact that you sleep for another eight, this leaves entire eight hours to play with! 

Of course, during that time we do our chores, but can’t we have a little fun doing them? Listen to podcasts or an audiobook while cleaning, invite your kids, partner or a roommate to cook together. 

You can learn languages while commuting to work or you can get off your bus one stop early and take a refreshing walk (we assure you, it can be nice even in winter). 

Create the day you want, no matter what the calendar says. 

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