Five objects you wouldn’t think you may need in the office

October 15 2021

Five objects you wouldn’t think you may need in the office

Office work seems to be pretty predictable and rarely provides extreme experiences, however it is a good idea to prepare your own “survival kit.” Primarily for convenience, but also to counteract potential problems and handle emergencies, such as when you need to fix a pull in a sweater, or your coffee spills dangerously close to your keyboard. 

A few gadgets that fit in any drawer can really help. What are we talking about? Read more!

Active noise reduction headphones

Very few of us enjoy a separate office that can provide acoustic comfort, so it is a good idea to have headphones that reduce the background noise. Even if you don’t feel like listening to music, they will let you shut your surroundings off and focus on your job. Additionally, just the fact of wearing them is a clear message to anyone around you that you don’t want to be disturbed.

– We’ve implemented several noise reduction solutions in every location. There is an unwritten rule of maintaining silence in the coworking spaces, and leaving your ringtone on is seen as a serious breach of savior-vivre. Meetings take place in available conference rooms, in designated offices or simply in common areas fixed with comfortable couches and armchairs. Phone calls can be had in special, silenced phonebooths or – if the weather allows – on the terrace – Marta Kamińska from Solutions.Rent lists.

You may also be interested in: 7 savoir-vivre rules in coworking

A change of shoes

Like in preschool you say? Think about it! Do you really want to spend your entire day wearing elegant shoes? Even if you have just half an hour break between meetings, maybe it’s a good idea to let your feet rest for a little bit. The correlation between the comfort of your feet and creative thinking has not yet been explored, but it is hardly a coincidence that Seve Jobs would walk barefoot most of his life.

A travel mug

The idea to limit the amount of waste we produce resulted in increased popularity of travel mugs in offices. Even if eco-thinking is not your thing, the practical aspects and common sense still prevail – in a spacious office building the distance between your desk and the coffee machine may discourage frequent trips. The only logical solution are mugs with proper heat insulation that keep your beverage at the right temperature. Additionally, travel mugs make it harder to spill your coffee all over papers or devices on your desk. 

Read also: Six Methods to Increase Productivity

A lighter

No matter your opinion on smoking, it is always good to have a lighter on you. It usually comes in handy for fixing a loose thread pulled from your clothes or a damaged aglet – it can save your clothes from damage. Remember: such clothes saving operations should be conducted far away from any smoke detectors. 

A couple of paper clips

Just having them around the office is hardly unusual, however, their multitude of uses can be quite surprising. Their applications range from bundling up loose cables beneath your desk or keeping them from falling on the floor, to instantly putting your papers in order and keeping them from going all over the place in your bag. It is a good idea to have three different sizes of them on you for different uses, because the coworking etiquette dictates that you leave your desk empty after you’ve finished.

Are you looking for a prestigious and comfortable working space? Click here and check out Solutions.Rent offices.

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Five reasons why commission experts to do your recruitment

October 8 2021

Five reasons why commission experts to do your recruitment

It is said civilization started for good when we accepted the fact that we do not need to be good at everything. Today we know that some activities and processes are better left to an experienced, knowledgeable and talented person but we still take the brunt of the recruitment process at our companies. Isn’t that right? 

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5 rules of work in an international environment

November 5 2021

5 rules of work in an international environment

Imagine that starting tomorrow you are working in a team of foreigners coming from different continents and cultures who have a varying level of proficiency in foreign languages and who have been taught different work styles and methods. Are you excited? Or maybe you are experiencing fear of the unknown? One way or another – read this text to know the rules!