Five advantages of having a company blog

July 1 2022

Five advantages of having a company blog

A company blog makes sense, as long as there’s more to it than just driving sales. There are more advantages blogging can give you. Some of them may be difficult to measure, but if you think and plan long-term, you know it’s worth it. And as long as we are talking about the money – if your business is knowledge-based, the quality of entries may (but doesn’t have to) directly translate into profits.

We all know that valuable website content is the best way to get good positioning. What else can a blog provide your company or an online store with? 

Better visibility of your website among search results

If you regularly post high-quality posts, every update is a piece of information for Google bots, telling them that your website should be indexed more often. This will ensure that your content will appear higher (and more often) in the organic search results, generating traffic and increasing the number of conversions. 

Thanks to the content on your blog, the number of key phrases for which you will appear in the unpaid search results rises. It is an excellent way to increase visibility and traffic along with the so called “long tail.” The latter usually consist of a several words, so they reflect the searchers intent, and they are less competitive, so they will bring you the desired effect. This way you can position your website even within a very competitive industry, as it will come up for a greater number of phrases. Search engine traffic will increase and in turn rise the number of conversions on the web page or the sales results of your online store.

Read also:  Six marketing terms to know if you want to show off in front of your friends

Developing a network of internal links

By blogging, you improve the internal link structure of your web page.  It makes indexing the site easier for the search engines’ algorithm and facilitates the bots’ navigation on your web page. Users can navigate you website more easily, so they are likely to visit more sub-pages and spend more time on the content they find interesting. 

How to develop your internal link structure? Create content with the use of information regarding your products as a solution to the problem that is important for your readers and include appropriate links to the store in your blog posts. Also add links to other posts related to the same topic.

Acquiring valuable links for your website. 

Remember that your blog posts should be useful for your readers. Only then will they want to come back for more. By usefulness we mean interesting and appropriate content, analysis, infographics, reports or comparisons. Then they are likely to be noticed by the industry, making links to your site pop up all over other websites. 

Acquiring links from highly valued websites is one of the most effective positioning activities you can do to improve the visibility of your website. The higher the webpage that contains the link to your website is valued by the browser, the better and more lasting effects it will bring. What’s important is that it’s always a good idea to offer owners of high quality website to publish your guest post in an exchange of favors. Remember – backlinks are valuable for them too. 

Building the image of an industry expert 

Regardless of whether they result in high natural searches positioning, SEO activities should also attract more traffic, sales and drive clients.

By blogging, you’re building your image as an industry expert, so you’re also building the trust to your brand. In the specialist service industry, it is not flash sales, but expert trust is what drives the purchase decisions the most effectively.

We are more likely to trust a company that published dozens of useful tips, guidelines and pieces of advice, than a company known only from commercial spots, aren’t we? That’s why sharing knowledge positively impacts not only the position in organic searches, but also sales results.

These might also interest you: Personal branding – do you need it? 

Driving your brand’s recognizability

We all prefer the services of a company we already know, don’t we? We’d rather buy at a store we visited before. We value brands that help us deal with various challenges. That is why the blog can be one of brand pillars. It will regularly improve visibility in the search results, increase traffic in the store and positively impact conversion profits earned with interesting posts. 

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, blogging is one of the most cost efficient content marketing activities you can do. It is important to publish regularly and according to a thematic plan, thanks to which you’ll be able to keep your posts varied and also present your brand in full. 

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Employer branding starts with job posting – here are 7 proofs

June 24 2022

Employer branding starts with job posting – here are 7 proofs

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How can you defend yourself against trolls and hate?

July 8 2022

How can you defend yourself against trolls and hate?

How can you defend yourself against trolls? How can you respond to negative opinions on the web? What should you do when somebody slanders your company on the Internet? There is no universal answer nor solution. However, there are a few proven rules to follow that you can read about below.