OHS for your brain. Five things to help make your intellectual work more efficient

July 23 2021

OHS for your brain. Five things to help make your intellectual work more efficient

Thanks to the development of technology and to the fact that the Internet has been becoming more and more common, over the last two decades intellectual work became so much more intense and therefore so much more taxing to the human body. Obviously, the greatest strain is put on our brain. How do we take care of it so that it can serve us as long as possible and in the most efficient way? Keep on reading.

According to the World Health Organization, by 2030 brain diseases will have become the most serious hazard leading to disability or death. How to minimize this risk?

Physical activity

It is hard to pinpoint when exactly “homo sapiens” turned into “homo sadus” which means a sitting man. This happened in the late 19th century and since then, we have been steadily replacing physical activity with intellectual work, while forgetting that the balance between the two is the key to staying healthy. An inhabitant of a contemporary European city spends more time on average being stuck in a traffic jam (seated of course) than walking. Meanwhile, stimulation of blood circulation through physical activity (even as mild as walking on foot) is paramount for our brain and is as important as keeping everyday hygiene. As shown by studies, as little as one hour of workout a week lowers the risk of depression.

Read also: Six Rules of Effective Brainstorming


Volumes have been written on the impact nutrition has on our brain. Proper functioning of the brain is not possible without a diet composed according to the so-called food pyramid, which is based on vegetables and healthy fats. The brain needs, among others, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids that can be found, for example, in fish. Fast-food lovers need to acknowledge that junk, processed foods rich in saturated fatty acids and overabundance of carbohydrates are highly damaging to the brain, as they disrupt impulses between nerve cells.

Get tested

Monitor your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and check your blood pressure. It doesn’t take much time, and it should be done regularly. Diabetes, arrythmia, hypertension and high cholesterol levels are the four factors that directly threaten your brain and affect its function adversely. The risk of these conditions grows the older you get, but in recent years younger people are diagnosed with them more and more often. The global pandemic has made access to healthcare slightly harder, but monitoring your health and basic testing can be done on your own at home and at low cost.

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Time devoted to sleeping is a long-term, high return “investment” in your health. The brain is the main beneficiary of each night we sleep well. Our immunity is reinforced, we gain clarity of thought and better focus and also reduce the risk of serious health issues, including Alzheimer’s disease. It’s worth it, isn’t it? However, it is sleep that we are the most likely to give up. 

Limiting the use of stimulants

The sad truth is that alcohol, nicotine and other substances have become commonplace. They have become an integral part of our everyday lives. We deal with stress by using them and we forget that each of them is poison for our brain. An evening drink or a quick smoke impair its functioning both in the long and short term. If you care about keeping your brain intact till you’re old, one thing that is an absolute minimum, is moderation. 

The advice above has been published thousands of times, however it is good to remember it, especially if you do headwork. Your brain is your most important tool, so take care of it!

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Seven tips that will help you win over your clients

July 16 2021

Seven tips that will help you win over your clients

If you’re in sales, you’re surely often asking yourself “how to win over a client?” This question is as old as trade itself and many people believe it summarizes the gist. No matter what your experience and the number of signed contracts are, it is good to remember a few classic tactics for handling objections.

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Five facts about company podcasts

July 30 2021

Five facts about company podcasts

Over 30% of internet users in Poland listen to podcasts and this number grows each day. The main advantage of podcasts is time efficiency – they allow the audience to listen to useful information while doing other things. Do you want to check podcast effectiveness in your company’s marketing strategy? This is what you need to remember.