Greatest start-up myths

June 14 2019

Greatest start-up myths

Their earnings are in the millions, because their funding comes from the European Union. The millennials employed there work with the most expensive equipment and travel from one conference to another. Their business is usually selling marketing services or complex IT products. If you’d like to believe everything that is written about start-ups on the Web, hundreds of new companies […]

7 rules of effective team communication

June 12 2019

7 rules of effective team communication

Talking to each other is natural for everyone. Communication seems to be the simplest thing in the world. But when it comes to giving instructions, constructive criticism and explaining a project, it’s not all that easy. Here are some rules for effective team communication. If you follow them, each conversation with your boss, coworker or customer will become a pleasure for you both.

Why is it worth organising an event in coworking space?

May 22 2019

Why is it worth organising an event in coworking space?

Coworking space in Warsaw is usually available in a great location, with the possibility of convenient access. Certainly for many people this is an important reason why they choose to go to an event. Imagine having to drive around the whole city, stuck in traffic most of the time just to listen to what’s going on at your company? We cannot imagine that. This is why an industry-specific […]

5 best project management apps

May 20 2019

5 best project management apps

There are different kinds of projects. Local or international projects or the ones that involve a small team or dozens of specialists scattered around the world. Projects differ in their specificity and types of tasks. Luckily enough, they are similar when it comes to implementation. Thus, the team-work management can be done with the use of one of the popular apps. A teamwork […]

7 best ways to relax after work

May 20 2019

7 best ways to relax after work

You work a lot till late. Doesn’t matter if you’re a corporate worker or run your own business and rent a co-working space. After work, you are so tired you don’t feel like doing anything. How to change this? Learn 7 ways to relax that will make you feel better. Y like Yoga Yoga will calm you down and relax after work. […]

How to take care of your eyes if you use computer at work?

May 20 2019

How to take care of your eyes if you use computer at work?

Blink In normal conditions you blink 12 times a minute. When looking at the screen, it’s even 5 times less than that. Blink as often as you can! It is a natural way to moisturize your eyes. If you keep feeling your eyes are dry and blinking doesn’t help – you can try moisturizing eye drops. Also read: How to take care of […]

Are you looking for an office? Take a look at the conference room

April 11 2019

Are you looking for an office? Take a look at the conference room

It is a well known fact that we feel best in modern and comfortable interiors. If the conference room is large, includes a lot of natural light, and does not evoke a sense of being overwhelmed then that’s the first sign that you should consider it. Put yourself in the role of your client and think whether he or she will like the […]

9 principles of writing business e-mails

April 11 2019

9 principles of writing business e-mails

Today electronic correspondence constitutes the base of every business. We exchange hundreds of e-mails with clients, contractors, and employees. It’s one of the most important work tools. And despite that, we sometimes make extreme mistakes. The lack of knowledge in the field of netiquette has a negative impact on the company’s image. Discover the basic principles of writing business e-mails. […]

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