How to be more productive at work? Nine simple rules

June 18 2019

How to be more productive at work? Nine simple rules

A great business idea, a team of specialists and an extended network of contacts are not enough to succeed. Work organization is equally important – this is what increases effectiveness, driving the company towards bigger growth. How to work more effectively? See for yourself!

Set the timeframe

The majority of companies operate between 8 am and 6 pm, as these hours are believed to support intellectual effort. Do they actually support yours? Check when performing your duties feels the most comfortable and causes no difficulties. Do you already know which working hours are best for you? That’s great! Plan the most difficult tasks for this time. Give it your full focus and you will gladly check off completed projects as you go.

Also read: How to take care of a good atmosphere at work?

Put aside all distractors

You were about to start drafting that customer report but a friend posted photos from their Amsterdam weekend on FB? And there you are – browsing through the photographs and happily making holiday plans. Minutes pass and you have yet to start your own tasks. Do you want to be more productive? Log out from social media, mute your mobile and focus on your duties.

Prepare a list

Before starting work, prepare a to-do list and estimate the time needed to complete each of the tasks. You’re done with the first one? Cross it out. Organizing your work better will help you save time and you’ll be happy to notice how much you managed to achieve in eight hours. A to-do list takes tracking what else you still have to do off your mind.

Set priorities

Prioritization will help you set your work straight and be more productive. Start off with the most urgent, demanding and difficult projects. When you come to work, your brain is relaxed, allowing you to cope with the tasks quickly and efficiently.

Forget multitasking

Multitasking is impressive, but not always the right choice. If you’ve planned time to complete a project, don’t let yourself stray to other matters. You won’t succeed if you’re spread too thin. Try to work on a single project until you finish it.

Set the hours for handling your e-mails

Checking your e-mail box all the time will not improve your effectiveness at work. Instead of getting things done, you focus on responding to e-mails as soon as possible. At the end of the day you may find that you failed to do what was needed. Schedule checking your inbox three times a day. Select the times depending on your duties or the customers you work with. This will allow you to save some time and avoid unnecessary distractions.

Don’t skip your break

Productivity falls dramatically if you do not take breaks. Your brain is able to work with maximum effectiveness for 20 minutes. Try to plan your work according to the following rule: 25 minutes of mental effort followed by 5 minutes of relaxation. This way you’ll get more done and avoid exhaustion.

Also see: 6 sentences a project manager should use regularly

Learn to say no

Somebody asks for help and you jump right in, without a second thought? Most often you’ll end up focused on your teammate’s project instead of completing your tasks. STOP! Helping others at the cost of your own duties is not a good solution. Next time, before you agree to help your co-worker, consider whether it will not hinder your own duties.

Remote work on demand

There’s always something to be done at home. Do the washing, a quick trip to the store, walk the dog. As time goes by, there’s still no progress with your tasks? Remote work reduces productivity. Coworking spaces might be worth considering for freelancers or business owners who do not want to rent an office. Higher productivity, networking and more prestige guaranteed – it really pays off!

Looking for an office to rent? Click here!

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